Want more supple, radiant skin? Good news, that added glow can be as easy as snacking on your favorite healthy staples! Here are our top favorite foods (and drinks) for happy skin.

We’ve all heard it before: “you are what you eat.”  There is absolutely truth to this familiar tune.  Consuming healthy foods will result in feeling and looking healthier.  That doesn’t have to mean a diet of kale and broccoli only.  Read on for some yummy ways to treat your skin and get your glow on. 

Dark chocolate

Yes, you read that right - chocolate! Cocoa powder is rich in antioxidants.  Total skin score!  Enjoying it can actually make your skin less susceptible to sun damage. The antioxidants in dark chocolate will also fight off free radicals— one of the biggest contributors to aging skin. So go ahead, indulge! Just be sure you’re treating yourself to dark chocolate, containing 70% or more cocoa and without added sugar.

Green tea

Surely you’ve heard of the benefits of consuming green tea. Like dark chocolate, green tea contains an impressive amount of antioxidants including a special type of antioxidants called catechins. Studies suggest that these awesome antioxidants seriously decrease skin cell damage by reducing free radicals. This is one caffeinated drink option that typically does more good than harm— so rather than reaching for that sugary energy drink, grab a green tea.

Turmeric water

While drinks like turmeric-infused water and tea have become popular in the U.S. relatively recently, turmeric has been used in Indian culture for centuries and is considered holy in some Indian cultures. Turmeric is both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. This is good news for acne sufferers.  The anti-inflammatory properties will soothe stressed-out skin while the antibacterial properties purify toxins in the body and control breakouts from excess oil production. 

Omega 3’s

Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is one of the best foods for supple, glowing skin. Omega-3’s repair the skin’s lipid barrier, or the uppermost layer of our skin, by providing healthy nutrients and strengthening the barrier to keep toxins out. Not only do Omega-3’s in salmon help prevent damage to the skin, they can also help repair damage that has already occurred from the sun and environment. 


Egg yolks are packed with vitamins — including a B vitamin commonly used in the beauty industry— biotin. You have likely heard about biotin’s reputation for stimulating hair and nail growth, but did you know that those lacking biotin can suffer from skin concerns including acne, rashes, and dryness? Increasing biotin intake through diet can help with these issues. Eggs also include the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which help treat fine lines and sunspots (healthline.com.) More reason to enjoy that yummy omelet at brunch!


Diets high in healthy fats are becoming increasingly popular— think Keto and Whole 30, for example. One of the staples of these diets: avocado. While these healthy fruits do speed up metabolism, it isn’t just the waistline that can reap the benefits of the avocados. This superfood contains “good fats,” monounsaturated, and Polyunsaturated fat. Similar to salmon’s healthy fats, avocado’s fats keep the skin moisturized and supple. Avocados also contain high amounts of vitamin C and E, which are serious soldiers in the anti-aging battle. 


Did you know that most foods that are bright in color are typically a great source of antioxidants? It is said that this is especially true with purple fruits and veggies. Look for blueberries dark in color, as this indicates this fruit will contain an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which eradicate free radicals that cause cell damage to the skin. Blueberries also offer the benefits of prebiotics, which are anti-inflammatory to calm irritated skin. (Sweet!)

Coconut Water

One of nature’s best sources of potassium and electrolytes, coconut water rehydrates the body and skin. This serious moisture boost causes the skin to appear softer and more youthful. Not only does coconut water leave the skin more hydrated, but it also contains cytokinin,a naturally occurring anti-aging compound. For hydrated, youthful skin, sip upon this electrolyte-rich, natural alternative to sports drinks and enjoy the results.



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