
Showing posts from February, 2021

How To Identify Your Skin Type?🤔

Products formulated for your skin type offer the best chance of giving you the results you want. Follow these simple steps to determine which type of skin you have and learn which types of products are right for you. Wash Your Face Remove makeup and wash off the day's oil and dirt so your skin can start fresh. Wait Two Hours Don't apply any products and let your skin return to its natural state What Do You See? Determine your skin type based on your natural skin's characteristics. Normal No signs of flaking or oiliness. Skin feels smooth and, well, normal. Lucky!! Oily Skin looks shiny and may feel slick to the touch. You're no stranger to breakouts. Dry Skin feels tight and may have flaky areas. Your best friend is moisturizer. Combination All of the above. Skin usually has an oily T-Zone and is normal to dry everywhere else. Keep in Mind Levels of each skin type may vary.  You could be on the drier side of dry or the nor


Want more supple, radiant skin? Good news, that added glow can be as easy as snacking on your favorite healthy staples! Here are our top favorite foods (and drinks) for happy skin. We’ve all heard it before: “you are what you eat.”  There is absolutely truth to this familiar tune.  Consuming healthy foods will result in feeling and looking healthier.  That doesn’t have to mean a diet of kale and broccoli only.  Read on for some yummy ways to treat your skin and get your glow on.  Dark chocolate Yes, you read that right - chocolate! Cocoa powder is rich in antioxidants.  Total skin score!  Enjoying it can actually make your skin less susceptible to sun damage. The antioxidants in dark chocolate will also fight off free radicals— one of the biggest contributors to aging skin. So go ahead, indulge! Just be sure you’re treating yourself to dark chocolate, containing 70% or more cocoa and without added sugar. Green tea Surely you’ve heard of the benefits of consuming green tea.